and Last Man Standing
entering simultaneously, while 134 others remained idle. Is that trippy, or what?

Space does not permit a detailed explanation of the synchronicity at work here regarding the titles and themes of these very different films; suffice it to say that those readers with cultural depth and highly evolved psycho-linguistic intuitions will understand almost at once the implications of this apparent "coincidence." The three titles have been placed in random order in homage to chaos theory, but it should be readily apparent that even a reshuffle of the order inevitably leads to the same general conclusion about the direction in which humanity is headed: South of No North: Stories of the Buried Life
to use a phrase coined by the always-sensitive seer Charles Bukowski.
Well, that aside, I find that I am getting more inquiries about what it might really imply to emigrate To the Catacombs here in Traslasierra, inquiries sufficient to have led me to decide to offer a full-fledged resettlement service should demand warrant it. There are a number of organizations out there that have been doing this sort of thing for a long time, but it is my understanding that they overcharge, that they are touts for properties in which their principals have invested at a much lower cost, that the people involved neither speak the language well nor even live all-year-round in the places they promote. If you believe it could be in your interest to consider emigration to the Southern Cone countries, and particularly to this area, contact me and we'll see what we can work out. I am not running a resettlement business, a real estate business, a newsletter business... This is a community-building effort with flexible financial norms. Think of it as a refugee relocation project. Think of just who the refugees might be.
Then act!
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