Monday, June 22, 2009

Biiiiiiiiiig Trouble in Big China

Hard on the heels of the last post comes this: "The Shishou Mass Incident."

"Hundreds of baton-wielding police on Sunday dispersed protesters and cordoned off a city hotel in central China after a young man's mysterious death sparked unrest, a local official and a witness said," according to an AP dispatch filed by Gillian Wong.

Photos posted with the article indicated clearly the level of unrest. But photos don't tell the whole story: "At around 2am, June 20, more than 500 police officers and armed police officers got into formation and proceeded towards the hotel to seize the body. When they reached the vaccine station nearby, citizens attacked them with bricks and rocks. The police officers and armed police officers withdrew. The crowd chased them for about 1 kilometer. Police vehicles were toppled. The crowd did not lose their vigilance just because the armed police withdrew, as many people continued to stay in front of the hotel. During the early morning clashes of June 19 and 20, several dozen citizens were injured or arrested. Many police officers and armed police officers were also injured," stated the dispatch.

This is a tip-of-the-iceberg story with respect to what may occur in China as economic and political conditions worsen. Censorship was imposed, but it proved inadequate; the story is spreading throughout the web. Could incidents such as these spread to nations now entering the long, hot summers when riots occur? The NWO press is already heralding this for Iran: "I think we are in for a long hot summer. I don't think it's going to end quickly. I think the hardliners will fight trench by trench and it will depend on the other side really maintaining the momentum," claimed Ali Ansari, director of the Institute of Iranian Studies at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, cited in a Voice of America article datelined June 17th. Readers may remember that "The long hot summer is typically a phrase that strikes fear in the hearts of politicians. In the '60s, it meant race riots in American cities," wrote Eleanor Clift in an April 30th Newsweek web exclusive "Long Hot Summer: Obama must brace for more stormy weather".

In the first decade of the twenty first century, riots in American (and perhaps European) cities would likely be equal opportunity events, provoked by economically derived rage with all races taking part, given that the target of said rage will be the bankers and their political allies rather than the ruined of other races.

Catacombs time? Could be!

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