Friday, June 12, 2009

I've Got My Ion! You?

There's an interesting snippet on positive and negative ionization in the air in George Ure's blog today. Interesting especially to me, because Catacombs Headquarters is located in a microclimate famous for its negative ionization. Traslasierra, in the Province of Córdoba in Argentina, is blessed with mineral deposits in the western-facing Sierra de Comechingones that produce the ionization effect.

The consensus is that negative ionization can prolong life, improve our immune systems, become more vigorous... Forget Viagra! Come To the Catacombs! Live like a healthy and happy Methuselah!

That negatively ionized air really gets me going, doesn't it?

The truth is, however, I do notice a difference. Just look at the late autumn sky in the snapshot I just took from the front porch.

By Jiminy, sucking down a few lungfuls of that negatively ionized air makes me feel like Popeye after his spinach!

The market is doing without its spinach up to now, but we're entering the last half hour of Friday, more often than not paint-the-tape time, so let's see what happens before posting this.

Surprise! Another wishy-washy day to close a wishy-washy week with a slight upward bias in the last half hour.

Think I'll step outside for another few breaths of fresh air!

You might want to do the same.

COSI Fan Tutti

A little pun, but not a fun topic.

Cosi Fan Tutti is a Mozart opera. The title, loosely translated from the Italian, means "Women are like that." Literally translated, it would be more like: "That's the way they do it."

COSI is the acronym for the Standing Committee for Internal Security, a secretive European Union supranational entity not yet in existence thanks to the Irish rejection of the nefarious Lisbon Treaty, which will now be put before the Irish again, now that they are suffering great economic distress and will be more likely to sell out their identity for the proverbial pig foot and bottle of beer that will be given them by the PTB if they behave and vote "yes" this Fall.

"Critics of the plans have claimed that moves to create a new "information system architecture" of Europe-wide police and security databases will create a "surveillance state,"states a June 10th article in the June 10th . "Civil liberties groups say the proposals would create an EU ID card register, internet surveillance systems, satellite surveillance, automated exit-entry border systems operated by machines reading biometrics and risk profiling systems," the piece goes on.

How much more evidence is needed to awaken Westerners to the dangers they face with respect to their remaining liberties, and, more importantly, those of their posterity? When will the West awaken to the danger within? How long will you passively wait before you decide to act rather than worry and complain? When will you be prepared to change the paradigm in which you are trapped, your resistance to the perversion of Western societies like that of Br'er Rabbit struggling with the tar baby?

It is increasingly obvious how the lords and masters of the oligarchy do things: security states, financial crises, "terrorist" threats, unpayable and soon unserviceable debt... Cosi Fan Tutti.

What way will you do things from here on out?

Change your paradigm while you still can.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

So Long, It's Been Good To Know You!

Could it be that after less than a decade Argentines have tired of the Kirchners, the country's answer to Bill and Hill? Could it be that even though Cristina the K made it to the Casa Rosada (the "Pink House" and, no, we won't make the obvious joke; it's the Argentine equivalent of the White House), her government will lose its parliamentary majority, thus making it possible that the government will fall? Could the latter-day Peronistas be preparing to wave bye-bye?

I am not a citizen of Argentina, though I live here, and I have no vote in presidential elections, nor do I truly have an opinion on politics here, given that I am a guest (a resident, yes, but nevertheless a guest) and do not pretend to possess political understanding of my adopted homeland. I play no favorites. I simply report what I read, hear and am told.

That the provinces are restless--even becoming rebellious--is not open to doubt. The worldwide economic distress has hit Argentina too, and no quick-fix solutions are on offer. The welfare-state-model is in danger of running out of funds, given that producers can be taxed no further and consumption is down everywhere.

Could be that Paradigm Change is coming to the land of the Peronistas?

Could be that it'll spread faster than the flu the WHO is warning us about?

His Word Is As Good As His Bond

Those who question the honesty of U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner might recall the old saying used as the title of this post. Well, if one extrapolates Geithner to make him represent the United States, the following might give one pause: US government securities seized from Japanese nationals, not clear whether real or fake, blares an headline.

What's the story?

Oh, no big deal: "Italy’s financial police (Guardia italiana di Finanza) has seized US bonds worth US 134.5 billion from two Japanese nationals at Chiasso (40 km from Milan) on the border between Italy and Switzerland. They include 249 US Federal Reserve bonds worth US$ 500 million each, plus ten Kennedy bonds and other US government securities worth a billion dollar each," states the article.

The thing
is, apparently no one is sure yet whether the instruments are real or counterfeit. Could shake confidence in U.S. debt instruments, eh? Interesting, when one stops to consider all the nervousness about tomorrow's upcoming bond auction. If sales don't measure up, well, here's a handy excuse!

Perish the thought that a government official of the stature (pun intentded) of Geithner could be thought of as perpetrating such an outrage! Let no one imagine such a photo as this:

Woops! That's not the esteemed SecTreas: it's ET the Extra... No! Why it's... it's... Phil Spector!

Such a thing could never happen to the SecTreas! Could it? Should it?

Mr. Geithner has hair!

And to know him is to love him, as Spector once wrote for the Teddy Bears.

And certainly his word is as good as his bond. We have evidence of that every day.

WHO Hits the Panic Button

So, the long-awaited pandemic panic may now begin: Gentlemen, start your engines!

WHO declares first 21st century flu pandemic

"Phase 6, if we call a phase 6, doesn't mean anything concerning severity, it is concerning geographic spread ... Pandemic means global, but it doesn't have any connotation of severity or mildness,' WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl said", according to the Reuters article.

In fact, the article further states: "In fact, what we are seeing with this virus so far is overwhelmingly to date mild disease. So we would think that this event is really a moderate event for the time being, because the numbers are high but the disease is overwhelmingly mild,' he told Reuters Television before the committee meeting."

Who believes that the mild nature of this flu will be emphasized in the MSM whooping and hollering to follow? Not WHO, one is sure.

Get ready for this to be the rationale for travel restriction, school closure, vaccination programs... more and more of the usual suspects, faster and faster until... Niagara Falls!

WHO's on first. Who's next?

Commissar Creep

The link below is to a truly chilling article.

Anyone who still doubts the evil intentions of the puppet governments--the collaborators--of the International Evil Empire need read no further to understand that freedom of speech--indeed, all remaining rights and freedoms--are on the chopping block. The fleecing of the sheeple will quickly proceed to the slaughter.

There is little hope that the juggernaut can be stopped in the Northern Hemisphere, but it may well be derailed in the Southern. Those who have begin to eye the exit doors up north are closely watching political turns of events in the Southern Cone. Argentina, for example, is due for legislative elections on 28 June that may cause the left-leaning national government to lose its parliamentary majority and with it control of the ever-more-openly-rebellious provinces that supply the wherewithal for national welfare-state programs. The economies are in recession and increasing hardship is beginning to make itself felt. These countries, however, have a great growth potential now lacking in the north, and are ideal for those who would embrace the low-impact, localized economy, agrarian-based Paradigm that is likely to come to the fore as the only viable alternative to the failed model of finance capitalism and fractional reserve banking, and to the failed Paradigm of consumerism.

The creep of the commissars is speeding up, but the creepy commissars in many failing nations may soon find themselves creeped out by a citizenry that can and will take no more.

Black Swans Coming Home to Roost

The increase in the number of financial web site board postings calling for revolution, insurrection, rebellion and overthrow of the financial system has become alarming. More alarming still are the actions of governments and their financial overlords, who seem intent on a full court press to achieve totalitarian powers.

The combination of these situations, the general instability reigning in societies today, the increasing economic desperation... all these seem to point to the appearance of not one black swan event but a skein of them.

Some swans, and their close cousins the geese, are migratory, and the mythical black swan Not the actual Australian one) is not only migratory but capable of being in two or more places at once! And it would not be surprising to see then soon come home to roost.

Migration might be an option that requires serious consideration by those who do not wish to be trapped when the world financial pyramid that closely resembles a house of cards comes tumbling down, as it is increasingly likely to do before this year is out, save for some interventions that will increase economic distress and social control.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Home Is Where the Heart Is

The super-insulated straw bale home pictured below on the right was designed by this writer and built under his supervision. I have lived in it since September 24th, 2005, and have never been happier with a house.

Late autumn here in Traslasierra and the nights grow cool, threatening frost. Just ten days or so ago, there was snow in the sierra and the pass was closed. This photo was taken the following day.

To the right of the photo is the raspberry patch. It began with thirty plants, but now has more than 120! No birth control here!

A reader whose opinion I value suggested I remove the abortion counter widget I've placed on this page, given that it might offend other readers who would then be discouraged from reading further or forming a part of the community we would like to create here at the Catacombs.

Conscience dictates that I keep it, so keep it I shall. I strongly believe that abortion is one more social engineering weapon in the arsenal of the unholy cabal intent on a satanic "enserfment" of nearly all of humankind. Look at the numbers on that counter: all other genocides pale by comparison. Overpopulation, global warming (now morphed into "climate change"), terrorists and domestic extremists... lies, all lies, just as abortion is a lie.

Let others commit demographic suicide. Anyone who wishes to embrace the rural life will soon enough understand the advantage of a large family. The destruction of the family has been a major goal of the globalist cabal, and they have largely attained it.

Home is where the heart is. Abortion is heartless.

Reject globalist propaganda before you become another of its victims.

Change your Paradigm now! Make yourself a home with a heart. We at the Catacombs will do all we can to help you.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Leading Recognition

James Howard Kunstler, the foulmouthed, anti-Christian but oh-so-sanctimonious--as only the smug secular materialist can be--professional doomsayer has written a new post on his vulgarly-named blog, said post entitled "Lagging Recognition." Not surprisingly, it speaks of Jimmy the K's continuing confusion about the actions of Barack Obama, whom even the terminally naive are beginning to recognize as a Slick-Willy-style lackey of the financial oligarchy.

Mr. K joined Dr. Gary North in predicting the end of the world in Y2K, but they are still with us, still pounding their respective drums, still singing the same old songs.

Mr. K makes good points from time to time, has written some interesting books, but "lagging recognition," be it on the part of Big O (not very likely he didn't know all along what was coming) of Mr. K himself that his left-wing, secular materialist savior is nothing more than a non-entity, well... who cares? How about some "leading recognition" for a change?

We're in the leading recognition business here in the Catacombs. We've seen the handwriting on the wall, got the message and slipped away to South America while the rest were bloviating about the perceived end of happy motoring, peak oil, the hyperinflation always just around the corner... On an on they go, in a spin, not knowing the spin they're in...

Let's set things straight, feet firmly planted on the ground.

The West is in the mess it's in because sinful humankind chose to listen to the sibilant hissing that goes "You shall be as gods." The shuck-n-jive of today's moneylenders sounds similar, along with that of their pitchmen in politics. The evil begins with the bankers, extends to their allies, then trickles down to the poor, dumb cattle who fall for the false promises. If you are in some way enmeshed in it, your recognition of your dilemma will always be lagging.

Never did I imagine I would one day quote Timothy Leary's Sixties mantra, but the way things are today... "Tune in, turn on and drop out." Well, in a manner of speaking... Yeah!

Those who are not entirely gormless have by now recognized that all is not right with the world and that life styles they are a-changin'. It goes well beyond that, however; it's the whole planetary Paradigm that's changing, and the sooner you recognize that and act upon that recognition, the better your chances of not getting run over by the metaphorical Bernanke and Barack's Big Truck bearing down upon the unwary and unprepared in the dying days of Kunstler's "Happy Motoring" society.

While Kunstler frets constantly and endlessly about the automobile and the NASCAR-laden south filled with the Christian crackers he holds in contempt and despises, all the while bemoaning how Big O just doesn't seem to get it, others see beyond the failed suburban model straight to the financial district of New York, where those KKKers Kunstler ridicules are seeing Jim Kramers who need killing, cosmopolites who have nothing in common with the folks of "Flyover Country," as they sneeringly refer to the very rural and agrarian regions Kunstler claims to admire. Unless and until the Fed is abolished, its assets confiscated, it principals exiled or imprisoned, John and Jane Q. Public will have a lot more to worry about than not being able to drive to Denny's to load up on hi-carb breakfasts before heading to the Blue Light Specials Kunstler writes on and on about.

I am ready and waiting for you to contact me so that I can tell you specifically how the Southern Cone Catacombs just might be the place for you to take refuge if you wish to get ahead on the learning curve of the New Paradigm that is NOT that of the soulless secular materialist financiers and their camp followers. The rural, local life may by default be the only way left to live a relatively free life, a healthy life, a rewarding life, a life in which a family can flourish, but it is by definition a life worth investigating as the sun sets on the secular materialist, consumption-driven societies whose hubris has done them in at last.

LEAD in recognition! Don't lag. Laggards may find themselves trapped where they will very much wish they were not.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Butch, Sundance, Etta and You

That's Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place; you may call yourself whatever you like.

These three refugees from the USA fled the country at the end of the Nineteenth Century and came here to Argentina, to install themselves in Patagonia in 1901. Patagonia was the frontier, and to a certain extent, in a Twenty First Century way, it still is, as are other parts of this thinly populated, vast and fertile land. If you have the sand, there is a place for you here, so long as you understand that when all is said and done, you will carry your own water, so to speak.

This country has 25% of the world's reserve of fresh water, soon to be a resource as coveted as oil if not more so. There is oil here too. In fact, this country has great resource wealth, though little of it is exploited, because the population denisty is thin outside of Greater Buenos Aires and because life isn't all that easy in the Big Empty, where never is heard a word--discouraging, encouraging or otherwise--in English, and what's more, investment capital outside of the transnationals is thin on the ground in the Big Empty.

Didn't stop Butch, Sundance and Etta, though. Why should it stop you?

The movie skipped over their stay in Cholila, a small town in the province of Chubut, but there they were, living in a funky little wooden cabin, nothing like the superinsulated bale house we could build for you! Then again, perhaps you may not want to live in Patagonia. No matter, there's a place here for you somewhere: this is the world's eighth largest country, with 1,068,302 sq mi from which to choose.

Time grows short and interest mounts: if you're interested, drop a line!

What was good enough for the runaway members of the should certainly be good enough for you!

Earth 2100? Try Earth 2010

The American television network ABC has aired what is being described as a globalist propaganda program designed to further demoralize the fleeced sheeple now bleating for mercy from the overlords. Commentary on the program (which I have not seen) can be found at, among other sites.

My reading tells me that the program is of the apocalyptic sort, emphasizing the usual suspects of global warming, overpopulation and resource depletion. Oh yes, there's a killer flu thrown in as well, which requires mass quarantines, and everyone is forced to live in the only two "sustainable" locations: New York and California! Now there's a likely situation! But it does neatly take care of the depopulating of flyover country, where all the homegrown "terrorists" live, breed and hide, sustaining themselves with food they grow themselves. Can't have that now, can we?

Rather than fret about some fictional future nearly a hundred years away dreamed up by paid propagandists, it might make more sense to pay closer attention to predictions of what might happen next year! Better yet: read and examine the possibilities, make your own predictions, draw your own conclusions, then act.

Paradigm Change is upon us: whether we choose to change our own paradigm or passively wait to have it changed by default, chosen for us by the Powers That Be, that is the only question. The longer one hesitates, the longer one wastes one's time with nonsense like the network television program, the longer one still believes in the lies told daily by the political puppets of the financial oligarchy, the longer one remains a victim.

The Western world--the former Christendom--is being destroyed by a concerted conspiracy to transform it into a toxic stew of incorporating ingredients of neo-feudalism, fascism and communism, not by a hapless band of incompetent do-gooders. Failure to recognize this simple truth, characterizing it as "conspiracy theory" and then "domestic extremism" is an increasingly incomprehensible denial springing from ignorance and a kind of moral cowardice. It demonstrates too a denial of the instinct of self-preservation.

While an armed uprising may occur in Western nations, its outcome would be dreadful. How likely is such an uprising? One would like to think that it is not very likely, but that might be excessively optimistic. My belief is that if an eventual uprising is to be avoided, a coordinated effort must be made to initiate a Ghandi-esque campaign of passive resistance, Atlas Shrugged style: simply stop. Stop all economic activity to the greatest degree possible. Stock up and stay home for as long as possible. Empty your bank accounts, sell securities, hold only cash or precious metals as money. Break the system.

Or if this course of action does not appeal, leave the country for one that is less likely to undergo upheaval.

Consider this for 2010: the Southern Cone, the Catacombs for those who would be free and "sustainable."