Thursday, June 11, 2009

So Long, It's Been Good To Know You!

Could it be that after less than a decade Argentines have tired of the Kirchners, the country's answer to Bill and Hill? Could it be that even though Cristina the K made it to the Casa Rosada (the "Pink House" and, no, we won't make the obvious joke; it's the Argentine equivalent of the White House), her government will lose its parliamentary majority, thus making it possible that the government will fall? Could the latter-day Peronistas be preparing to wave bye-bye?

I am not a citizen of Argentina, though I live here, and I have no vote in presidential elections, nor do I truly have an opinion on politics here, given that I am a guest (a resident, yes, but nevertheless a guest) and do not pretend to possess political understanding of my adopted homeland. I play no favorites. I simply report what I read, hear and am told.

That the provinces are restless--even becoming rebellious--is not open to doubt. The worldwide economic distress has hit Argentina too, and no quick-fix solutions are on offer. The welfare-state-model is in danger of running out of funds, given that producers can be taxed no further and consumption is down everywhere.

Could be that Paradigm Change is coming to the land of the Peronistas?

Could be that it'll spread faster than the flu the WHO is warning us about?

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