Thursday, June 11, 2009

WHO Hits the Panic Button

So, the long-awaited pandemic panic may now begin: Gentlemen, start your engines!

WHO declares first 21st century flu pandemic

"Phase 6, if we call a phase 6, doesn't mean anything concerning severity, it is concerning geographic spread ... Pandemic means global, but it doesn't have any connotation of severity or mildness,' WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl said", according to the Reuters article.

In fact, the article further states: "In fact, what we are seeing with this virus so far is overwhelmingly to date mild disease. So we would think that this event is really a moderate event for the time being, because the numbers are high but the disease is overwhelmingly mild,' he told Reuters Television before the committee meeting."

Who believes that the mild nature of this flu will be emphasized in the MSM whooping and hollering to follow? Not WHO, one is sure.

Get ready for this to be the rationale for travel restriction, school closure, vaccination programs... more and more of the usual suspects, faster and faster until... Niagara Falls!

WHO's on first. Who's next?

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