The synchronicities simply don't stop and this post gives me great pleasure to write.
Here we are at the confluence, something I have hoped for from the moment I began this web site.
You see to the right a photo of La Confluencia, both the place in Patagonia where two rivers meet and a self-sufficient community: http://www.laconfluencia.com/ This community is now part of the "Catacombs Confederation," which is to say Southern Cone Paradigm Changers working together to create a sustainable future for our posterity and a largely self-sufficient present for ourselves and those who wish to join us.
La Confluencia is near the Patagonian town El Bolsón, as is the nearly self-sufficient
The "padres" and seminarians at the monastery are friends; I visited them in March. The folks at La Confluencia recently contacted me because we have both built bale structures, and we quickly recognized that synergies exist that we should not allow to be ignored. We are now looking forward to a tripartite get-together with the monks to initiate cooperative ventures that will hopefully create a ripple effect in the larger community.
The folks at La Confluencia practice bio-intensive agriculture. I'd heard of it, but never known any one who practiced it until I encountered an acquaintance at the nearby Saturday morning farmers market and after chatting a good while, he agreed to come to The Catacombs in the second week of July to do a demonstration. When I returned home, there was the email from La Confluencia!
The universe appears to be trying to tell me something, and I'm all ears.
There may be a message here for you as well, because things are coming together rather nicely here in Catacomb country.
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